Are you an Amazon Seller looking to Promote Your Product?

Are you ready to get your product in front of THOUSANDS of buyers that are shopping on Amazon? We are ready to show off your product with our AMAZING once a month LIVE STREAM with MULTIPLE Amazon Influencers TOGETHER on one Live! You can have your product featured on Amazon Live where thousands of people are watching

Haven’t heard of Amazon Live Yet? We are a group of Amazon Live Influencers with a large audience following on Amazon Live that promote up to 40 products in their live streams where the audience on the live AND possible the product pages can see YOUR PRODUCT in front of their eyes, being shown off and demoed for them. We answer questions about the product as well and the carousel is clickable where they can click your product and add it to their cart to purchase it or see more information about your product and brand.

Here is what the live streams can look like on the product pages:

If you are ready to get YOUR PRODUCT in front of THOUSANDS of people ready to buy on Amazon, then let’s get YOU more information on how to get it featured on Dynamic Deal Day!

If you would like to get your product featured on Dynamic Deal Day, please fill this out. Your product MUST be currently selling on Amazon.